Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

"On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord."

- The 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama

10:30 am - A little late to just be leaving the house. No ticket. And only a disposable camera. But I'm not going to let that stop me.

11:00 am - Arrive at Pangea Cafe at 21st and I. Big screen showing coverage, but not really the big, excited atmosphere I was looking for. Ordered a soup to warm up.

11:11 am - See George Sr. and Barbara in matching purple scarves. Cute.

11:15 am - Bill and Hillary preparing to walk out. Her face always looks surprised/excited. Cracks me up.

11:30 am - Obama daughters walk out....what lucky kids. They'll have the best seats in the house.

11:35 am - Bush and the Republican leaders walk out. Lady next to me quietly boos. I later find out that the crowd was loudly booing. Cheney's in a wheelchair...odd. "Hail to the chief" starts playing. Hail indeed.

11:42 am - Joe Botox...I mean, Biden... walks out flashing his million dollar grin. I wonder if he ever gets tired smiling. I wonder if he's physically capable of not smiling. Dianne Feinstein walks out (announcer incorrectly pronounces it Fein-STEEN...I think they did it on purpose...FOX news...) Angeline and I comment about how disappointed we were in her not coming through with providing Pepperdine with Inauguration tickets. But we will move on eventually. Finally, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the president elect of the United States, Barack H. Obama." This is history. Merdeka! I wonder what must be going through his head. He must be craving some Topolombampo right about now. (I just really like saying/typing Topolombampo).

11:44 am - Rick Warren gives the invocation. He pauses after "our first African-American President of the United States" to the roaring cheer of the crowd. He probably saw that one coming. Applause during prayer though? Come on now. He then asks God to remind us that "we are united not by race or religion or blood but by our commitment to freedom and justice for all." Amen. Aretha in a crazy hat sings "My Country 'Tis of Thee" with her even crazier voice. Some in the audience cry. I almost want to. Then, Yo Yo Ma and others perform a John Williams piece.

11:57 am - Biden is sworn in. He does an impeccable job. Angeline turns to me and says "I wonder if they ever forget what they're supposed to say."

12:05 pm - "I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear..." Angeline's question is answered, as Obama pauses and needs Chief Justice Roberts to repeat a line. You'd be nervous too if you were taking over to clean up an eight year mess. This is further proof that the big O is indeed a human being.

12:09 pm - Inaugural address. In true Obama fashion, he perfectly outlines and sums up our nation, giving it to us straight: this is what's wrong, these are our challenges, this is what we can do, and this is what we will do. I truly hope and have faith that it is so.

12:25 pm - "This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed, why a man whose father less than 60 years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath." How far we've come.

12:30 ish - After his speech, Angeline, Catherine, and I head towards the crowds, to feel the excitement first hand. They also need a picture to prove to their mom that they were there. We end up walking against traffic, since most people are leaving the capitol/memorial areas. Half of the United States must be here. FLOODS of people in the streets. Oceans and oceans of heads. Yet surprisingly calm and not so mob-like. I had more fear for my life at the Backstreet Boys concert in November.

1:00 pm - We had our own celebratory luncheon at Charlie Chiang's. Celebrating the diversity in this nation by being Indonesian and Koreans having Chinese food.

4:24 pm - Heard screaming and yelling in my hall, thought we were under attack. Some of my colleagues appeared to be yelling "Obama's downstairs!" but then actually found out they were yelling "Bono's downstairs!" Grabbed my coat and my house slippers, because apparently I was pressed for time. Walked outside and there seemed to be some kind of parade marching through our street, although there's no way the official parade would be coming through, since there was no kind of security or barricades set up. Walked back to my room unimpressed.

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